Human free will: the very essence of God’s evolution

At the heart of existence lies a complex and beautiful mosaic, tesserae gathered to generate the evolution of consciousness. This mosaic tells the story of life, the universe, and everything within it, including the divine essence that permeates every aspect of our being. Understanding this intricate connection between God’s freedom and the evolutionary process offers profound insights into our purpose and place in the cosmos.

Humans as Particles of a Greater Whole

Humans are not mere isolated beings; we are integral parts of a vast and complex system known as God. Our planet, Earth, is a subsystem within this greater divine structure, a stage upon which the drama of life and evolution unfolds. Our mission, then, is not just survival or reproduction but something far more significant: to gather data from our experiences and transform it into wisdom, thereby facilitating the evolutionary process.

From Information to Wisdom

The journey from raw information to profound wisdom is a layered process. It begins with the accumulation of information, the basic facts and figures of our existence gathered by our human senses and limited by their range of perception. This information then matures into knowledge as we understand and contextualize it. Through experience, knowledge is finally alchemized into wisdom, the highest form of understanding that connects deeply with the fabric of the universe. In the material realm, this evolution of understanding is rapid and rich, fuelled by the stark contrasts and varied experiences life offers in this dimension of contrasts.

Emotion: The Language of the Cosmos

While humans are busy gathering data and experiences, it’s not the information itself that enables the evolution but the emotions associated with it. Emotions are the universal language through which all of creation communicates and connects. From the lower ones that allow the survival of the human vehicle to the higher ones that connects us to the divinity. These latter ones are the means by which God experiences the universe He created. Among these emotions, Love is paramount; it is the original energy that wove the cosmic matrix and continues to hold it together.

Reuniting Through Love

Love is more than just a human feeling; it is the very essence of the divine. It is through love that God experiences reunification with creation. As humans learn to generate and embody true love, they offer God a mirror to experience Himself, fulfilling a cosmic desire for self-reflection and understanding. This is the ultimate act of freedom, where the creation can willingly reflect the creator through the purest form of love. Love is the glue of the material realm and is only through the emanation of this very emotion that we can transcend matter.

Emotionally Imprinted Information

For the information and experiences we gather to be genuinely valuable on a cosmic scale, they must be imprinted with emotion. Emotions act as markers, making the data significant and memorable within the vast consciousness of God. This emotional imprint ensures that our wisdom is not just a personal treasure but a contribution to the universal library of understanding.

Harmonizing Energy for Higher Wisdom

Our path to greater wisdom and understanding is intrinsically linked to our spiritual and energetic development. As we elevate our energy to the higher chakras, we unlock new realms of understanding and capability. This elevation is more than just spiritual; it involves learning to manage the release of hormones and other physiological responses associated with our emotional and energetic states. By mastering this, we are able to playfully experience with the whole realm of emotions we have been endowed. In a similar manner to the orchestra, a whole range of instruments ensemble to create a symphony.

The Elder

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