The Path to Self: How I Began My Spiritual Journey

Let’s start by saying that in this blog, I’m sharing only my personal experiences and opinions—I don’t claim to have the ultimate truth. 🙏🏻

Up until a certain point, I lived a life typical of a young woman in a big city: hanging out with friends, drinking, dating, working, studying at university, and so on. But often, I felt despair, misunderstood by those close to me, a deep loneliness, a sense of being lost, insignificant, and without any real purpose. 😵‍💫 All the while, I longed to live in peace, harmony, understanding, and love with myself and those around me. Looking back now, I think the turning point was discovering Michael Newton’s book Journey of Souls: Life Between Lives (if you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it). 💣 This book shifted something inside me—or rather, it reminded me that I’m not alone, that there is meaning in everything that happens, and that God isn’t just an old man with a beard sitting on a cloud. 🧘🏽‍♂ From then on, my focus shifted to what you might call a “spiritual” search. That information divided my life into “before” and “after.” 🪬

It’s funny now to think that I unconsciously replaced my “spiritual” search with joining the “extreme” raw food movement, almost turning it into a form of worship. 🗿 However, looking back, I see that there was a bit of rationality in it. By cleansing my body of “junk” and eating only clean, raw plant-based foods, my mind also cleared, and many destructive beliefs and programs fell away, my priorities shifted, and I was able to “see” the matrix.

In any case, that phase of my life gave me a unique experience that very few have had. 🙏🏻 During my time as a raw foodist, I continued searching: I read books, studied different religions, went on a Vipassana retreat in the mountains of Thailand, traveled extensively, and observed how people live in different parts of the world. 🌏 All of this certainly expanded my view of “spirituality,” but it didn’t bring me much closer to finding peace with myself. Now, I realize that I was constantly avoiding facing my true SELF. This fear is something most of us have because the mind is afraid of what it can’t explain with logic and “common sense.” 🧐

These days, I find myself more convinced than ever of Socrates’ genius when he said, “I know that I know nothing.” Although I still sometimes fall into the habit of seeing things in black and white, I’m making an effort to embrace the world in all its diversity and shades of gray. Today, I clearly understand that our perception shapes our reality, and that changing the world starts with ourselves and our own personal spiritual work.

I’m just one of many on the path to God. So, I invite you to walk this PATH together, hand in hand. A supportive community of like-minded people always accelerates growth.

Please share what sparked your awakening?

Anastasia Holistic Sage🌿

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