The Hidden Truth About Feminism: How It Was Imposed and Why It’s Not Serving Women

Feminism—when most of us hear the word, we think of women’s empowerment, equality, and liberation. But what if I told you that the feminism we know today was actually imposed on women by a ruling class with an agenda that doesn’t truly serve us? What if, instead of giving women more freedom, it was designed to weaken families, drain our feminine energy, and shape a society that’s easier to control? Let’s explore how this agenda has unfolded over the past century and why the effects of modern feminism may be doing more harm than good.

A Quick Look at Feminism’s Origins

First, let’s acknowledge the original intentions behind early feminism. When it first began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, feminism emerged as a movement for women’s rights—seeking voting rights, access to education, and fair working conditions. These were essential steps in giving women a voice in society.

However, the feminism we see today is not the same movement. Feminism, particularly after the 1960s, has taken on a new form. It started to shift from focusing on equal rights to pushing an agenda that subtly dismantled traditional family structures and removed women from their natural roles as nurturers and caretakers.

The Economic Shift: From One Breadwinner to Two

In the 1950s, it was common for a man to be able to support his entire family on one salary. The husband would work, and the wife could stay home to take care of the children and maintain the household. The family was the core of society, and children were raised within the values and traditions passed down through generations.

Fast forward to today, and in most households, both the man and the woman need to work to make ends meet. Even in highly developed countries like the United States, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for a family to thrive on one income. But why is that?

This change didn’t just happen because women wanted to work. In fact, it serves the interests of the ruling class to have both parents in the workforce. Instead of paying one man a decent wage to support his family, they now have two people working for the same or even lower combined salary. Essentially, this shift doubled the labor force, lowered wages, and increased corporate profits.

The Social Engineering Agenda: Breaking the Family Unit

The increase in women joining the workforce was not just about empowerment; it was a calculated move by those in power. By encouraging women to leave the home and enter the workforce, the ruling class knew that this would strain the traditional family structure. With both parents working, children are often left in the care of institutions like schools, daycare centers, and after-school programs.

And who benefits from that? The state and large corporations. By controlling the upbringing of children, they shape the next generation’s values and beliefs to align with the interests of the ruling elite. In essence, these institutions have become the primary caregivers and influencers in children’s lives, taking over roles that once belonged to the family.

The ultimate goal of this social engineering agenda is to weaken the family unit, which for centuries has been the foundation of human society. A strong, cohesive family is difficult to manipulate, but when families are fragmented and children grow up without strong bonds to their parents, they become easier to control. The more disconnected people are from their families and their traditions, the more reliant they become on external authorities and institutions.

Losing Touch with Femininity

One of the greatest costs of modern feminism has been the erosion of femininity. In the fight for equality, many women have adopted masculine traits and behaviors, believing that this is the way to compete and succeed in a male-dominated world. While this may have given women more professional opportunities, it has come at a significant emotional and spiritual cost.

Women are, by nature, nurturing, intuitive, and connected to the rhythms of life. Our femininity is a source of strength, creativity, and compassion. But modern feminism has encouraged women to reject these qualities and instead adopt more aggressive, competitive, and individualistic behaviors—traits typically associated with masculinity.

This rejection of femininity has had profound consequences on women’s health and happiness. Issues like infertility, depression, anxiety, and relationship difficulties are on the rise. Women today are more stressed and disconnected from their true selves than ever before. The pressure to “do it all” and compete in a man’s world has led many women to burn out and lose touch with their innate feminine wisdom.

Feminism’s Methods: Fighting Like Men

Another contradiction in modern feminism is that while it claims to be a movement for women, many of its methods mirror the very traits it says it’s fighting against. Feminists often speak out against aggression and abuse, yet the tactics used by many feminist groups are confrontational, combative, and even hostile. In their attempt to fight oppression, many feminists have adopted the same aggressive, dominating behaviors that they criticize in men.

Rather than healing their own traumas and reclaiming their natural feminine power, many women in the movement are spreading anger, bitterness, and confusion. Instead of creating a more balanced and compassionate society, modern feminism often perpetuates the same cycles of violence and control it claims to be against.

Have Women Truly Become Happier?

One of the biggest promises of feminism was that it would make women happier and more fulfilled. But looking around today, it’s clear that this promise hasn’t been fulfilled. Many women feel more isolated, overworked, and disconnected from their families than ever before. The pressure to succeed in both career and family life has left many women feeling torn and inadequate, constantly juggling multiple roles and responsibilities.

At the same time, women’s relationships with men have become more strained. Instead of complementing each other’s strengths, men and women are often pitted against each other in a battle for power and control. The result is a breakdown of relationships, higher rates of divorce, and fewer stable, loving families.

Reclaiming Our Feminine Power

So, where do we go from here? It’s time for women to rethink what true empowerment means. It’s not about mimicking the behaviors of men or competing in a system that wasn’t designed for us. True empowerment comes from reconnecting with our feminine essence—our intuition, creativity, nurturing nature, and spiritual wisdom.

We need to start honoring our role as the heart of the family, the keepers of tradition, and the nurturers of life. This doesn’t mean we can’t work or pursue our passions, but it does mean we need to prioritize our well-being and reclaim the sacred role of motherhood and feminine leadership.

It’s time to heal the wounds of modern feminism and create a new path forward that honors both men and women as equal partners, each bringing their unique strengths to the table. Only then can we begin to rebuild strong families, communities, and societies.

Let’s Start a Conversation

What do you think? Have you experienced the pressures of modern feminism, or do you see things differently? Let’s continue this conversation. Drop a comment below, share your story, or ask a question. Together, we can explore ways to bring more balance, harmony, and healing to our lives.

With love and light,

Anastasia Holistic Sage🌿

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