The Mystical Journey of the Soul: What Happens After We Die

In our human experience, the mystery of what happens after death is one of the greatest enigmas. Many spiritual traditions and philosophies suggest that death is not the end but rather a transition to another plane of existence. In today’s holistic journey, we delve into the idea of life after death and the intricate mechanisms that allow our souls to continue evolving, expanding, and learning. Let’s explore the spiritual process of death and the key insights we can integrate into our daily lives.

The Soul’s Journey: Purpose Beyond the Physical

One of the most profound revelations we encounter in spiritual teachings is the concept that our physical lives are not accidental. Every human being is born with a purpose, known as a contract vital. This contract is a pre-agreement that each soul makes before incarnating into the physical body. It outlines the lessons and experiences necessary for that soul’s growth and evolution. More importantly, it includes the time and circumstances of one’s eventual death. This notion invites us to reflect on the broader purpose of our existence. We are not here merely to survive and exist in the mundane but to fulfill spiritual lessons that help our soul ascend to higher planes.

Our physical body is only one aspect of our being. We also possess mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies, which are in constant communication with the universe. Life on Earth serves as a field of experiences, where the soul encounters opportunities for growth, healing, and enlightenment.

Understanding the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Plan

Behind the scenes of our existence lies a universal spiritual hierarchy, which includes beings and guides that help souls fulfill their contracts. From an astral perspective, nothing in our lives is left to chance. There is a divine plan, meticulously organized by higher beings, including “Ancianos de Días” or Elders of Days, who oversee the evolution of entire races and planets.

These spiritual administrators guide souls through their earthly journey and orchestrate when and where each soul will incarnate. The soul, in collaboration with these higher beings, agrees to a specific path in order to gain wisdom, fulfill karma, or offer service. Every challenge, loss, and triumph we encounter is part of this grand plan. This understanding can help us embrace difficult moments in life with grace, knowing that they serve a greater purpose in our spiritual evolution.

The Transition: From Life to the Afterlife

When we die, our journey does not end; it transforms. The process of death is a planned event in the soul’s contract. In the moments leading up to death, something remarkable happens on a spiritual level. As the physical body approaches its final moments, a biochemical reaction occurs in the brain that releases dimethyltryptamine (DMT), commonly referred to as the “spirit molecule.” This chemical, naturally found in the pineal gland, is responsible for opening a gateway to other dimensions. As this happens, the soul begins to disconnect from the physical body and becomes aware of its multidimensional existence.

For many, the experience of death involves meeting familiar faces—departed loved ones, spiritual guides, or angelic beings—who assist in the transition. These entities serve as escorts, gently guiding the soul to the sixth and seventh planes of the astral dimension, where the newly freed soul can rest and review its life. This review is not a judgment in the punitive sense but a compassionate reflection, where the soul assesses the lessons learned and the areas where growth is still needed.

Reincarnation and the Cycle of Growth

The concept of reincarnation is at the heart of many spiritual traditions, and it offers a powerful perspective on the continuation of the soul’s journey. The idea that we live multiple lifetimes, experiencing various roles, relationships, and environments, is deeply rooted in the belief that the soul is eternal. Each incarnation is an opportunity to learn specific lessons, fulfill karmic obligations, and contribute to the collective growth of humanity.

An essential part of this understanding is the karmic law: the principle that our actions in one life influence the circumstances of future lives. However, what is often misunderstood is that karma is not a system of punishment or reward; rather, it is a neutral force that brings balance. If we have unresolved issues or lessons from past lives, these will resurface in future incarnations, offering us the chance to address them with greater awareness.

Interestingly, the average soul requires around 180 incarnations to complete its journey through Earth’s physical plane. The number may vary, but the ultimate goal is always the same: to transcend the cycles of birth and death and eventually ascend to a higher level of spiritual existence, free from the need for physical embodiment.

Volunteering for Higher Purpose: Souls on a Mission

At this point in Earth’s evolution, many souls have chosen to incarnate as volunteers to assist with the planet’s transition from the third to the fifth dimension. This period of great spiritual change is sometimes referred to as the Great Awakening, and it involves a shift in human consciousness. Souls who are here during this time have a particular mission: to help raise the collective frequency of humanity and the planet.

As we progress, the human race is not only healing from its collective wounds but is also preparing to live in a higher vibration, a state of being where love, compassion, and unity are the dominant forces. Souls who incarnate during this time are helping to anchor this new reality. They are lightworkers, healers, and guides, contributing to the spiritual transformation of the world.

What Awaits After Death: A World of Light

Many people fear death, imagining it as the end or as something dark and foreboding. But as spiritual teachings remind us, death is merely the shedding of the physical body, a vehicle for the soul during its time on Earth. When the body dies, the soul continues in its astral body, which is a higher frequency form of energy. It retains consciousness, awareness, and the ability to interact with loved ones and spiritual beings.

After death, the soul often resides in the fourth dimension, particularly in its upper planes, where it waits before either choosing to reincarnate or moving on to higher dimensions of existence. This space, sometimes referred to as the waiting realm or astral planes, is where souls rest, heal, and prepare for their next steps. In this dimension, the soul is free from the physical limitations and suffering experienced in the earthly body, which can offer great comfort and peace to those in the human experience.

Preparing for the Transition: How We Can Live Holistically

Given all this, how can we live in a way that honors both our current life and the journey our soul will eventually undertake after death? Here are some holistic practices that can help us align with the higher purpose of our souls and live more consciously:

  1. Meditation and mindfulness: Cultivate a deeper connection with your higher self through meditation. By quieting the mind, we allow our soul’s wisdom to come through, offering guidance on our life’s path.
  2. Holistic health and wellness: Caring for our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies ensures that we live in harmony with our soul’s purpose. Eating nutritious foods, practicing yoga, and nurturing healthy relationships all contribute to our overall well-being.
  3. Spiritual reflection and journaling: Reflect on your life’s experiences and lessons through journaling. This can provide clarity on your current path and help you understand the broader purpose behind the challenges you face.
  4. Service to others: Remember, part of our soul’s journey involves helping others. Whether through acts of kindness, volunteering, or simply being present for someone in need, service aligns us with the higher purpose of our souls.
  5. Letting go of fear: Death is not something to fear. By embracing the idea that it is part of a much larger journey, we can live more freely and fully in the present moment. Letting go of the fear of death allows us to embrace life with more gratitude, joy, and peace.

Embracing these spiritual principles and holistic practices in our lives can help us not only prepare for the eventual transition of death but also live with greater purpose, love, and light while we are here on Earth.

If you’re looking to dive deeper into the spiritual journey of the soul, I personally recommend a couple of books that have profoundly expanded my perspective:

  • “Journey of Souls” by Michael Newton – This book offers an eye-opening exploration of life between lives through hypnotic regression, revealing fascinating insights into what happens after we die and how our souls plan each lifetime.
  • “The Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda – A spiritual classic that provides a powerful perspective on the interconnectedness of life, spirituality, and our divine journey. Yogananda’s deep wisdom about life, death, and the soul’s transcendence offers timeless teachings for spiritual seekers.

These reads helped me widen my understanding of the afterlife and I believe they will offer you valuable insights as well.

If this resonates with you, I invite you to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Have you ever pondered the journey of the soul or had an experience that gave you a deeper understanding of life after death? Let’s continue this conversation together. Your insights and reflections are always welcome!

With love and light,
Anastasia Holistic Sage 🌿

Inspired by Andrea Barnabe

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